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Online reviews for growing your business


Published on September 7, 2021

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Reviews are the most important ingredient for the success of your business -you may have heard this statement in many shapes and sizes. And yes, you already know the importance of online reviews and how they are going to help you. But, did anybody tell you how exactly reviews are going to help you in growing your business? If not, this article is for you. From influencing customer’s decisions to ranking on top of search results, we’re going to list the perks of getting more reviews. Wait, there’s more- we will also tell you the best way to manage online reviews on your road to success. Here we go:

Why are reviews important

Let’s see why reviews are important. Here are a few benefits of online reviews:

A great form of advertisement – The first thing first- good customer reviews are going to be the best advertisement you can have. What will attract a person considering your product or service than other people applauding your brand? More customer ratings and reviews you’ve got, more people will start to flow to your business. It's mass psychology that’s at work here, as people are more interested in using the ‘popular’ product or service. As more people find that you’re the favourite of many, they naturally prefer you to your competitors and as you guessed it, your business will automatically grow.

  • Influence customer’s decision: the key to convert

You know for sure that customers will go through all your reviews before making a choice. For a confused person, positive reviews offer assurance that they’re making the right choice. Besides, customers are more likely to believe what others who bought the product have to say than what you have to say. Even if there are negative reviews, your commitment and responsibility will be properly highlighted by replying to them in the right way. Need to know more about making use of negative reviews? Check out our article on turning negative reviews to your merit here.

  • Get on top of search results

Google ranks your business based on the credibility and authenticity of your business. How many customer reviews you get and how often you get them are crucial when it comes to evaluating your authenticity. It goes without saying that getting on top of search results increases your online visibility and thereby attracts more customers.

  • Get to know if your customers are satisfied

Online customer reviews tell you a lot about how your customers are feeling about your product or service. It’s a great way to understand customer satisfaction and disappointments. Negative reviews offer a chance to recognize our shortcomings and can be used as fuel for improvement and growth. Knowing our customers is inevitable while running a business. Online product review not only gives you feedback on the product, but also helps you to evaluate your customer support. Plus, a heartfelt review of a customer can light up your day. You’ve to learn to deal with the negative reviews along the way too.

  • Evaluate your own performance (your team’s too)

You know how crucial self-evaluation is, especially when it’s about business. By evaluating online customer ratings and reviews, you’ll get a picture of yourself and how you can get better. Performance analysis plays a major role in making better decisions. Successful brands use tools like Cloodot to access visualized analysis of performance based on online interactions. Cloodot also offers a detailed report of your performance sent out to you. Negative reviews are also part of this game you have to make negative review in to positive one, your response matters.

How to get more reviews?

That’s all about how best reviews are for your business. Now, it's time for the ‘how’ question.

Now that you actually appreciate the importance of reviews, the next question is about the best way to make use of online reviews. Managing online reviews include:

  • Request reviews in a convenient way

  • Share the reviews through social media

  • Engaging with every single review

  • Create a space to leave a review across platforms

  • Responding to them promptly

  • Identifying your shortcomings and making improvements

  • Evaluating performance

Read our article on Best Reputation Management Strategies for Small Businesses for growing Your Business with Reviews

Managing reviews across multiple platforms can be both tricky and tiresome. Cloodot makes asking for reviews, collecting them, and responding much easier. With an all-in-one inbox suite like Cloodot, you can find your reviews on multiple channels in one inbox. You can thus navigate through them and respond to them with convenience. Forget about the time-consuming online review collection and say hello to super-easy, single-click review requests. By keeping track of every message and review across platforms, your team can develop an excellent customer support system. Reviews are your stepping stones in creating a good online reputation. Cloodot is here to help you make your journey to a good reputation much smoother and effortless. Start with us today.

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